老鼠屬齧齒類動物,性格膽小且行為詭秘,喜歡晝夜出現避見人煙. 擅長攀爬、游泳、跳躍。在城市的建築物內,由鼠咬所引致的電線短路、電話失靈及電腦系統癱瘓時常發生。老鼠喜歡在溫暖潮濕的地方哺育幼鼠,當中又以廚房的爐頭附近最常見。因為地方溫暖而且食物不斷供應,
尢其飲食場所更需注重老鼠防治。以防老鼠大量肆虐。老鼠的生殖能力奇高,每年可產下 5-8 胎。每胎 5-14 隻幼鼠。
老鼠身上可帶有上千種病毒,對人類的危害是致命性的。從老鼠身上傳至人體的病毒主要經四種途徑 : 1) 老鼠體外寄生蟲,如蚤、裨和蚋;
2) 帶有病源體的老鼠排泄物、污染食水和食物;3) 遭老鼠咬傷。
1- " 鼠疫 " :是由鼠疫耶爾森桿菌所引致,途徑由老鼠所咬而傳染。
2- " 鼠斑疹傷寒 " :是受一種被稱為克次身體病毒所感染,經鼠虱傳播,亦可由傷
3- " 南歐斑疹熱 " :是經由蜱傳播的立克次氏體病菌。蜱的幼蟲寄居於老鼠身上,成蟲會寄居於狗畜身上。傳播途徑是經蜱吸人血而侵入人體。
4- " 叢林斑疹傷寒 " :經由傳播的立克次氏體病菌由居於郊外的老鼠身上的所傳播。人類於露營和行山時最易受感染。
5- " 漢他病 " - 於空氣不流通的地方,再經受感染的老鼠所出的微粒和排泄物所傳播。 6-
" 鼠咬熱 "是藏於老鼠口腔內的細菌,經由鼠咬所傳染。
Mice & Rat
Rodents are so called. Their activity are shyly and mainly at night.
Rat likes to live near the gas cooker in kitchen because kitchen
is warm and full of food. Especially the restaurant, they must pay
more attention to control rat and mice. The only thing in common
is that both rats and mice are very prolific animals. In a year
they can produce 5 - 8 litters each with 5 - 14 young.
In the city building are slowly being gnawed through, electric cables
short-circuited telephones disconnected and even computers are susceptible.
Diseases carried by them are too many to list. Plague caused the
bacterium Yersinia pestis is primarily a rodent disease but it is
spread from rats to man by fleas and even now there are many rodent
- borne fevers and viruses such as Boutonneuse, Epidemic typhus
and Hantann Fever.
2.脫水劑-消除昆蟲身體之保護層,使昆蟲脫去水份引致死 亡
There are several
ways to extinguish the targets by insecticides :
1. - insects will die after consuming it
2. - extinguish the protective membrane of the insects and they
will die from water loss
3. - through outer-layer absorption e.g. respiratory system, skin,leg,etc.
4. - high volatility or gaseous insecticide