

蟑螂的存活時間很長,更曾發現蟑螂於毀去其頸部後仍可能存活一段時間。雌性每次能產下一個內有多至三十枚的幼卵卵殼。她們有一種特別的習性: 當雌性快要死時,就會把卵產下,以求留下後代不至全族滅亡。蟑螂的生命週期: 德國蟑螂生存期為 6 - 9 個月,而美國蟑螂生存期可達 24 - 30 個月。一般的滅蟲公司為求節省成本,會使用經過量稀釋的滅蟲劑,效果成疑。

另外,因為蟑螂很快就能對藥劑產生抗藥性,所以本公司雇用經過專業訓練的技術員 ,均會於適當時間選用新的藥劑去滅蟲。此舉可避免蟑螂存活的可能性,以貫徹本公司以客為本的專業精神。


Cockroaches are omnivorous and feed on almost anything organic even the rotten meat, wire & cement. Cockroaches are of little medical importance as they have never been positively incriminated in the natural transmission of pathogenic organisms to man. However they could act as mechanical vectors of disease - causing organisms.

The life cycle of the cockroach is rather simple. Unlike the majority of insects the cockroach does not lay single eggs instead they are united together in a case or capsule. The number of eggs in the capsule will vary between 16-40 depending on the species.

The length of time taken for eggs to hatch depends on temperature and humidity and rangs from 15-90 days. On hatching the young cockroaches are almost white and have no wings. Several moultings take place and full maturity is reached in 2 months to 18 months.The total lifespan is 6-9 months for the German cockroach & 24-30 months for the American cockroach.

Due to reduce cost, some pest control firm will thin their insecticide too much. It cause the poor result and cockroach will begin to suit the insecticide, so our well-trained professional staff will use new & different insecticide at suitable time. It can kill cockroach perfectly.




一般害蟲常會以家居內的廚房,浴室,沙發,地氈,木柜和縫隙等作為棲息居所。 而部份害蟲常活躍在晚上及昏暗的地方。 牠們的存在很容易給我們人類帶來過敏症或多種傳染性疾病,嚴重影響日常生活。 有見及此,家居害蟲防治工作必不可少..

Why need pest control in home ?

We can find many pest which live in kitchen , bathroom, sofa, carpet wooden cabinet & groove.  Some pest will take active action at night or in dark place.  Their living will cause human getting allergy & spreading disease, also will affect our normal live.  So we must pay attention in domestic pest control. 





跳蚤是營寄生牲生物。主要寄生在哺乳動物、 家禽甚至在人類身上生活和吸血。牠們能使人和動物 (如家中的寵物)之間互相傳播病菌。常見的以貓蚤最為厲害。人體一旦被叮咬后會感到十分瘙痒,直接導致皮膚病及斑疹傷寒等多種疾病的傳播。跳蚤的壽命約為六星期。雌性每天能產下十多粒卵。卵蛋能堅實地附在毛製物品和衣服上。當卵蛋孵化,幼蚤就會立刻吸血,在兩至三星期內脫皮三次就能變為成蟲。要徹底消滅跳蚤,必須要按時進行滅蚤程序工作,因為若有蚤卵殘留下來會再度孵出跳蚤並再次繁殖,后果不堪設想。


Fleas are distinctive blood-sucking insects, highly specialized for their ectoparasitic life on warm-blooded hosts.

The large eggs are laid predominantly into the hosts nest, where free-living, worm-like larvae develop on material such as shed skin debris from the host High temperatures and humidity are required for development by many fleas including those on the domestic cat, dog & human. Fleas transmit some other diseases of minor significance from other mammals to humans including murine typhres & tularemia.






/ 野蜂 - 切勿激怒黃蜂否則牠們會作出瘋狂攻擊。牠們不像普通蜜蜂般黃蜂能作多次剌螫 同時千萬不要騷擾或破壞蜂巢如有任何發現和問題應立即聯絡有關部門或專業滅蟲公司

Wild bee

Due to decrease size of country side, it force the wasps and wild bee living in urban area and indoor.

Wasps and bees are beneficial insects, although they are generally considered to be pests because of their ability to sting.  Wasps, in particular, can become a problem in autumn when they may disrupt many outdoor / indoor activities.

Wasps / Wild bee - Do not aggravate wasps / wild bee.  If a wasp is aggravated it may sting.  Unlike the bee, wasp can sting Multiple times.  Do not disturb nests – pls contact the related department or pest control operator to handle it immediately.

築於住宅樓宇外部 - 黃蜂巢

築於貨櫃箱低 - 巨大蜂巢

Copyright 2002 Regent Pest Control